Heritage Court
In 2004, Laura Hall and Teddie Daley established the Heritage Court dedicated to honoring the outstanding ladies of Blaine County.
Today, its legacy continues, currently led by a Heritage Court Committee.
Each year, the Heritage Court Committee invites civic and cultural organizations in Blaine County towns each to identify a local woman for special recognition on the Court for her contribution to the history and heritage of the Wood River Valley.
They are the guests of honor at a gala Coronation Ceremony held each spring at which time they are recognized as “Ladies of the Heritage Court.” The newly-crowned Ladies are presented with tiaras, flowers, and an appreciation plaque. The celebration is complete with live music and entertainment, preceded by addresses from prominent local leaders. The public is invited to the ceremony, and Ladies from previous year Heritage Courts are also present and honored.
The Ladies start their yearly festivities at a Heritage Court Tea hosted by the Community Library and Regional History Museum. They attend a luncheon at the Senior Center along with ladies from previous years. Their portraits are professionally taken, as well as interviews done by local newspapers highlighting their lives and history in Blaine County. The Ladies ride in horse-drawn carriages in the Hailey Fourth of July Parade, Ketchum/Sun Valley Wagon Days Parade, Carey Pioneer Days, and the Labor Day Parade in Bellevue.
The Blaine County Historical Museum takes great pride in recognizing this special group of women each year. The Museum hopes publicly-honoring long-time residents who have significantly impacted the history and heritage of the Wood River Valley will help spark interest in the history of the valley and increase participation in historical preservation.

We invite you to become a Sponsor or Friend of the Heritage Court!
All donations are tax deductable.
Thank you for supporting the Heritage Court.

The criteria the nominating organization should use are straightforward:
70 years of age or older
Resident of Blaine County for at least 30 years
The woman you select should have in some way contributed to the community wherein she resides through volunteer work, raising a family, or other ways of being part of the heritage and history of Blaine County,
The woman to be honored should be agreeable to participation in the Court and its initial activities (the introductory tea, the Coronation ceremony, and the Fourth of July parade). Participation in the other events would depend on her availability and interest, but we especially hope she will be part of her hometown parade.
Responsiblities Of The Nominating Organization
Invite a woman to be honored in this year’s Heritage Court and have her sign the Release Form.
Submit the Application and Release Form to the Heritage Court Committee by April 15, at the latest.
Congratulate and honor your Lady in a special way for being chosen to represent your group as well as Blaine County. Nominating groups typically honor the lady with flowers, a luncheon, or other niceties. The nominating organization's contact person will be invited to the formal tea, and the Coronation is open to all.
Send a representative from your organization to accompany your lady to the luncheon at the Senior Connection.
Assist your Honored Lady with transportation to Court events, if needed.