Heritage Court 2011
JoAnne Davis
Dozens of Boulder Mountain Tour and World Masters ski medals hang behind the bedroom door in Joanne Davis’ Edelweiss condominium.
And at 75, Davis is still collecting them—a testament to the fitness level of this perky blond dynamo whose 118-pound frame still boasts the 22-inch waist she sported as an airline hostess.
Davis is a familiar sight on Baldy and Nordic trails during winter. Come summer she can be spotted jogging six miles each morning and ushering at the Sun Valley Summer Symphony by night.
It was Symphony leaders who nominated her for the 2011 Blaine County Heritage Court in honor of the 17 years she’s ushered alongside her husband Brack Davis.
Betsy Pearson
When a black man in his 70s found himself homeless, Betsy Pearson issued him an invitation. “Come live with us,” she said.
The man, who had been a maitre’d, ended up living with Betsy and her husband Bob for 30 years, jumping at every opportunity to pay them back by donning his white coat and draping a towel over his arm for the couple’s frequent dinner parties.
The spacious yard tucked in the woods surrounding the four-bedroom, four-bath log home Betsy designed off Lower Broadford Road in 1972 never lacks for human companionship, whether it be for the family’s large family reunions or Monday night volleyball matches that lure teen-agers and 73-year-olds alike.
maxine molyneux
Wednesday was a seed sorting day for Maxine Molyneux. But at 81 she’s milked her last cow.
“When I got past 80, I gave that up,” she laughed.
She milked plenty before that day came, however. And you’d expect that from a woman who’s idea of success is “Bend over, get to work and don’t look up.”
Molyneux, who lives at the end of Gannett Road in Picabo, has been a lifelong worker—one of the attributes that prompted the Trailing of the Sheep Festival organizers to nominate her to the Blaine County Museum’s Heritage Court. She will be crowned along with three other women at 3 p.m. June 19 in the Liberty Theatre in Hailey.
Theresa Richards
Theresa Richards would be up for Best Supporting Role if the Wood River Valley ever handed out its own version of the Oscars.
The Hailey homemaker supported her late husband Art while he served as the valley’s only dentist for many years. And later she took care of the couple’s eight children while Art built Rotarun ski area west of Hailey.
For her efforts, Theresa will be inducted into the Blaine County Historical Museum Heritage Court at 3 p.m. Sunday at The Liberty Theatre in Hailey.
An Iowa farm girl, Theresa studied at a hospital nursing school in Council Bluffs, Iowa. World War II had just ended, she recalled, and the only careers available to women were nursing and teaching.